Fall Shoot in South Jersey

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Even cute with the tongue and all!

south jersey photographer, fall session in south jersey, new jersey photographer, haddonfield photographer

I adore candid photos! Got to love a good pumpkin.

south jersey photographer, fall session in south jersey, new jersey photographer, haddonfield photographer

Really a great little kid!

south jersey photographer, fall session in south jersey, new jersey photographer, haddonfield photographer

Cutie kiddo with the pumpkins in Salem County, NJ.

south jersey photographer, fall session in south jersey, new jersey photographer, haddonfield photographer

Dud somebody call for the fire rescue?

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The smiling firefighter… at your service.

south jersey photographer, fall session in south jersey, new jersey photographer, haddonfield photographer, firefighter photo shoot, kids firefighter shoot ideas,

Emergency Emergency... This boy is here to help put out some fires!

There is nothing better than the fall season here in South Jersey!  They are spectacular and it is something I look forward to every single year!  The weather is usually dry, sunny and the temperature is just perfection!  I even got married in October, that's how much I love it!  It's also the busiest season when it comes to photography. Most photographers are very business during this time! It's because most folks want to give out nice Christmas photos or just an annual thing families like to do, to capture some everlasting memories.   This is also one of my favorite times to get out and photograph landscapes.  I love Salem County, but I also like to check out the other counties throughout South Jersey as well.  After all, I am Yummygal of South Jersey History and Adventures! 

I know, I know... extremely corny, right... the name? That's a story in itself!First off... I want to apologize for all the recent posts.I'm truly sorry! I am so behind here! You may have to get use to me for a little bit. I'm just trying to play catch-up! I have not had the time to put up my sessions here on the blog.  I've been very busy. However, since it is the slow season, and it has died down just a little bit, due to this horrible weather we have been having. I'm able to get some sessions posted! 

This little boy had a fall photo shoot here at Shooting Star in Woodstown.  He wore normal clothing as well, as his firefighter Halloween Costume. And as you can see, he is just too darn cute! He's made for the camera! The weather was perfect. The lighting was perfect... And well.. He was just perfect as you can see.  You can't help, but to smile back!  I do a little pumpkin patch on the property every year to give it that extra fall feel.  The photos came out great!  I selected a few to post here.  Hope you enjoy seeing some photographs of our little fall session! Okay Okay Okay... This little boy is my kid... But I try to make it a point to photograph him every season as a mom! 

Happy Shooting, my friends!



Salem County, NJ Fall Photo Shoot!


Why I Chose Not To Have A Fancy Smancy Website... Like Every Photographer Out There