Shooting Star Photography LLC

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One Crazy South Jersey Winter!

It has been one crazy winter. Hasn’t it? Having a winter portrait session in South Jersey is a truly captivating experience. The landscape transforms into a scenic wonderland, painting a picturesque backdrop for capturing the beauty of the moment. Recently, we had the pleasure of conducting a maternity session in the enchanting snowy grounds of Smithville Mansion in Mount Holly, NJ.

As the pure white blanket of snow draped the trees and covered the earth, the surroundings created a serene ambiance that effortlessly highlighted the expectant mother's radiant glow. The frozen ponds, glistening in the winter sunlight, added an ethereal touch to the photographs, making them truly unforgettable. The combination of the majestic surroundings and the joyous anticipation of new life made this winter portrait session an extraordinary and memorable experience.

Hi there South Jersey! Boy, has it been one crazy winter... hasn't it?! I am STILL working this winter!!! We had a nice little warm period for a bit until it turned into the New Year and it's been a bit cold ever since!!! I'm still getting caught up on my December gallery deliveries, however, I'm hoping to knock everything out by the end of this week!!I have some very exciting news!!! Just because it snows, doesn't mean it should deter you from shooting!!!

Capturing the Quiet Beauty: Winter Portraiture

Why I love winter portraits! The cold weather encourages intimacy and closeness, making it an ideal time for capturing genuine connections and heartfelt interactions between people.
For portrait photographers, the snow season provides an opportunity to experiment with composition and framing, using the natural elements to add visual interest and drama to their work. Whether it's the delicate snowflakes adorning the background or the striking silhouettes against the wintry landscape, every detail contributes to the narrative woven through the photographs.

Winter has the BEST LIGHT!

In addition, the subdued color palette of winter lends itself to a timeless and classic aesthetic, accentuating the emotions and personalities of the subjects without distractions. The purity of the snow season creates a sense of calm and introspection, allowing photographers to craft portraits that resonate on a deeper level.

Finding Inspiration in the Winter as a Portrait Photographer

One session type that speaks to me for the winter time is…maternity photographs!  My client wanted a beautiful winter wonderland session. In fact, I went so far as to learning how to photoshop one in... but I got lucky.. real lucky.. It snowed!!! And it was the first snowfall of the year!!!! My beautiful snow princess got her wish!!! Here is her photograph taken within this last week!This past week was a pretty incredible week for myself as an artist.  I have worked so hard this year. It's been many hours of blood, sweat and tears honestly.  Many days away from my family and my growing young children...    I have been following a dream. MY DREAM and no one is going to stop me from it. I've worked too hard to let anyone ruin that for me and will continue to push ahead!  

More Inspiring Work

One place, I've always looked up to is this magazine.... Inspire Digital or Not.  The attached is their Facebook page. 

Now, this page may not sound like anything to you, but my IDOLS have been published and featured here. Everyone from LJ Holloway, Katrina Parry, Tara Lesher, Lilia Alvarado and the list goes on.  The huge game changers of this industry have been featured. Well, I got my wish this week... or I guess my dream finally came through.  I was published FOUR TIMES this week. FOUR.. With four different images. My images use to get rejected and not even get a nomination and this week FOUR featured images.  THIS IS HUGE NEWS to me.

To be featured among the best in the world and with folks I've come to admire... and for only being in this business for less than a year... Yup, February will be my first FULL year in business.  This is big news to me. Big news on how much I have grown and improved. I have moved mountains this last year to get to the level I have gotten to!  It's unreal!!! I have Meg Bitton to thank greatly for this. I will blog about her in a bit.  I took a workshop with her back in December and it was a game changer for myself and where I saw this business going... where its future lies. Meg Bitton is one of the world's greats... and if I'm going to learn.. it will be from the best!!!  

Upcoming Photography Workshops!

I have signed up for another of her workshops for this September with her and Sandra Bianco (another great and very well-known artist in this industry).  Another artist that I will be learning under this year is Elena Shumilova.  She's considered one of the top 5 photographers in the world and I am extremely blessed to have landed into her workshop this year.

This workshop will be two days of beautiful bliss for me!!! I am continuing my education in between workshops. I have taken up a few editing workshops and plan to take a local workshop with some well-known folks in our area.  This year is MINE. I am going after it. I am giving my best and best of all... I am going to be me and let my work shine for myself and for my clients!!!

I am so very excited. PHOTOGRAPHY is where my heart is and where it lies... I couldn't be happier.  It is my joy and I enjoy capturing art for my clients!!! Don't let this winter drag you down... As you see, with the images above, winter can still be absolutely beautiful. You just have to look for it!!! It's there. I am looking forward to spring and looking forward to my gowns and dresses to be utilized!!! Bring it on South Jersey and Philly!!! We'll see you soon! I have a ton of blog posts and sessions that I need to get up here!!! 

Happy Shooting, my friends!


Shooting Star Photography