Shooting Star Photography LLC

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A Week WITHOUT social media


 Hi there! Have you missed me? Probably not in all honesty... right? I mean let's be honest here....Life does go on. For one, I don't want my clients to freak out. We pulled our Facebook page for a bit as we transition and redesign the page... so if you have noticed it's gone, EVERYTHING is okay and we'll be back on soon. I know we've developed quite a following... but don't sweat it... We are doing some changes to the facebook page and testing some things out. Second... on a more personal matter, I decided to also pull my own personal page. I wanted to see what I can get done without having facebook altogether also as a distraction. The results have been EXCELLENT so far.

Taking a week-long break from social media can offer numerous benefits for our mental and emotional well-being. In today's hyper-connected world, constantly scrolling through feeds and engaging in virtual interactions can leave us feeling overwhelmed and anxious. Stepping away from social media allows us to disconnect from the noise, giving us a chance to focus on ourselves, our thoughts, and our relationships offline. It offers a valuable opportunity to reset and recharge, reducing stress levels and increasing overall productivity. By taking a break from social media, we can regain a sense of presence, find clarity, and prioritize self-care, ultimately leading to a healthier and more balanced life.

Week one Results...

I was able to work out twice in any given day. I got my groove thing going this morning and was able to workout in the evening.  I feel like I have more time. Not having to look at notifications or answer messages via my business or personal page has honestly been pretty amazing. It's made me realize how much time, even if I just popping in to answer something for a second.. takes minutes up to hours out of your day. I have a lot of friends in this industry and a lot of clients... I realized how much time I really spend on facebook and how unproductive it is.


Less stress. Because I am not answering what seems to be constant facebook notifications or hearing that famous ding.. my day has been pretty stress free. I feel relaxed. I was able to get two FULL albums done and out the door which is a fete in itself. 32 photographs edited. If you factor in that it normally takes me two to three days to edit a full 10-15 image session.. this is pretty HUGE. Since I was not interrupted today, I felt more productive and was able to put my focus into one thing... and that was my kids and business. I have a ton of great projects and sessions I wish to fulfill in 2o18 and I'm just getting started. It's been an excellent 24 hours and I urge everyone to try it out for themselves. 

I will update as I move along with this "human project." In just one day, I have had time to reflect on what is important and I think it's been great for me! It's helped me think of the future of Shooting Star Photography and the direction I am going in.

It's been an EXTREMELY BUSY year and it still is. I am still editing away, we still have sessions we are fulfilling and I honestly see no end in sight... but... I think I am going to enjoy this Facebookless vacation this week! I'm hopeful for a very productive week like it was today! Try it out! If you need to reach me.. you can via the old fashioned way.. via email or phone. I'll be back on in 7 days.. but maybe doing things differently when things launch.

 Happy shooting my South Jersey friends!!!
