Medford NJ | Toddler Portraits | South Jersey Photographer
Ah, the toddler years. A magical time when tiny humans learn to walk, talk, and express their very strong opinions about absolutely everything. If you’re in the thick of it, you’re probably alternating between heart-melting moments and Googling, “Why does my toddler scream when I give them exactly what they asked for?” Welcome to the rollercoaster of parenting—where chaos reigns, but the snuggles are unbeatable.
Here’s a guide to help you survive (and maybe even enjoy!) the toddler years:
She wanted to just pick up rocks and have fun..
1. Embrace the Mess
Toddlers are like tiny tornadoes: cute, destructive, and impossible to predict. Your house may have once been a haven of tidiness, but now it’s decorated with crushed goldfish crackers and suspicious sticky spots. Lean into it. Invest in a good vacuum, washable everything, and accept that “clean” is a relative term.
Pro Tip: Take photos of the mess before you clean it. Someday, you’ll look back and laugh. Or at least that’s what people keep telling us.
Let the kids play and run! With toddler sessions, it should be a time for exploring and capturing this age of curiousity.
2. Channel Your Inner Negotiator
If you’ve ever tried to convince a toddler to wear pants, you know it’s like high-stakes hostage negotiation. They have an uncanny ability to turn the simplest requests into power struggles.
Helpful Strategy: Offer choices. “Do you want the red pants or the blue pants?” This trick makes them feel in control, even though you’re still calling the shots. And if they’re adamant about wearing a cape to the grocery store? Let them. Pick your battles.
This little gal was in her element. Wanting to ride the horsey and be a kid!
3. Snacks Are Life
Never underestimate the power of snacks. A well-timed string cheese or handful of animal crackers can prevent approximately 97% of tantrums. Keep an emergency stash in your bag, your car, and every coat pocket you own.
Warning: They will still demand the snack you don’t have. It’s a law of toddler nature.
4. Sleep Is a Myth
“Sleeping like a baby” is the biggest lie you’ll ever hear. Toddlers have two modes at bedtime: falling asleep in two minutes flat or waging an hours-long bedtime battle that leaves you questioning all your life choices.
Survival Tip: Stick to a bedtime routine—even if that means reading Goodnight Moon 47 times. And when they finally doze off, take a deep breath and enjoy a moment of peace… until they wake up again.
Mom and dad interacting with their adventurous daughter. She was picking up leaves and wanted to show them what she found.
5. Celebrate the Small Wins
Did your toddler use the potty for the first time? Ate a vegetable? Managed to go five minutes without yelling, “NO!”? These are victories, my friend. Celebrate them. Parenting toddlers is a marathon, and every little milestone deserves a high-five (and maybe a glass of wine).
6. Find the Humor
Toddlers are unintentionally hilarious. They’ll insist on wearing swim goggles to dinner, name every stuffed animal “Bob,” and mispronounce words in ways that will have you crying from laughter. Write these moments down. They’re comedy gold, and you’ll want to remember them when they’re teenagers rolling their eyes at you.
7. Give Yourself Grace
You’re not perfect, and neither is your toddler. Some days you’ll crush it, and other days you’ll serve chicken nuggets for every meal while counting down the minutes until bedtime. That’s okay. You’re doing your best, and your toddler thinks you’re a superhero (even if they don’t always act like it).
We always need to celebrate mom and dad at the end of our sessions.
8. Remember the Magic
Yes, the toddler years are exhausting, but they’re also magical. This is the stage when your little one’s personality blossoms, their curiosity knows no bounds, and their hugs can fix even the worst day. Soak it all in—sticky kisses, endless questions, and all.
Surviving the toddler years takes a mix of patience, humor, and caffeine… lots of caffeine. But through all the chaos, remember that this stage doesn’t last forever. Someday, you’ll miss their tiny voices, chubby cheeks, and even the goldfish crumbs in your carpet. Until then, cherish the moments and hang on tight. You’ve got this!
Happy Shooting, my friends!
Check out our baby and toddler portfolio for birthday portraits!