Shooting Star Photography LLC

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Finding Joy in Daily Blogging: A Portrait Photographer's Journey

Welcome to my corner of the internet, where pixels meet passion and snapshots tell stories. As a portrait photographer of ten amazing years in this industry, I’m on a mission to capture life's fleeting moments. I've embarked on a daily blogging adventure since December 26th, pouring my heart and soul into each post. In essence, I have written every single day since December 26th of 2023 and even in some cases, wrote 2-3 a day! My goal is to make it to a full year. I’m 62 days into this so far. What is it they say? It takes 3 weeks to develop a habit? So am hoping this “habit” (of 8 weeks so far) can continue on even when we get into our busy season… this spring to fall. 

But why commit to this daily crazy blogging  ritual, you ask? Well, let me share with you the reasons why even if no one's reading, blogging holds profound significance in my journey.

  • Unleashing Creativity and Reflection:

    • Behind every portrait lies a narrative waiting to unfold. Through daily blogging, I find solace in weaving tales, sharing insights, and reflecting on the beauty that surrounds me.

    • Each blog post becomes a canvas where I paint with words, immersing myself in the art of storytelling and uncovering hidden depths within my craft.

  • Embracing Imperfect Perfection:

    • In the realm of photography, perfection is an elusive muse. Yet, through the lens of daily blogging, I've learned to embrace imperfection as a gateway to authenticity.

    • From candid anecdotes to behind-the-scenes bloopers, my blog offers a glimpse into the messy, marvelous world of portrait photography, where every flaw adds to the charm.

  • Cultivating Community and Connection:

    • While the digital landscape may seem vast and impersonal, daily blogging has allowed me to forge genuine connections with fellow photographers, clients, and enthusiasts.

    • Through comments, shares, and virtual conversations, my blog becomes a hub where kindred spirits gather to celebrate creativity, share insights, and inspire one another.

  • Nurturing Growth and Learning:

    • Just as every photo shoot presents an opportunity for growth, daily blogging serves as a playground for experimentation and evolution.

    • Whether I'm exploring new techniques, sharing lessons learned, or documenting personal milestones, each blog post becomes a stepping stone in my journey as a photographer and storyteller.

  • Spreading Joy and Inspiration:

    • Beyond the confines of my studio, my blog serves as a beacon of joy and inspiration, offering glimpses of beauty and hope in a sometimes chaotic world.

    • Whether it's a heartwarming client story, a behind-the-scenes blooper reel, or a simple message of encouragement, I strive to infuse each post with warmth, authenticity, and a dash of whimsy.

What are some benefits to yourself for blogging on a daily basis? 

Blogging daily offers numerous benefits for both individuals and businesses. Here are some of those awesome benefits:

  • Increased Website Traffic: Regularly updated content attracts more visitors to your website, improving its visibility and search engine rankings.

  • Establishing Authority: Consistently sharing valuable insights and expertise in your niche helps establish you as an authority in your field.

  • Building Relationships: Engaging with your audience through daily blog posts fosters stronger connections and loyalty with your readers or customers.

  • Improving Writing Skills: Daily writing practice hones your writing skills, making you a more effective communicator over time.

  • Generating Leads: Fresh content gives visitors more reasons to explore your website, increasing the chances of converting them into leads or customers.

  • Staying Relevant: Keeping up with daily blog posts allows you to stay current with industry trends and developments, demonstrating your relevance.

  • Monetization Opportunities: More content means more opportunities to monetize through ads, affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, or selling digital products.

  • Feedback and Engagement: Regular interaction with your audience through comments and feedback can provide valuable insights and ideas for future content.

Overall, blogging daily can be a powerful strategy for building your brand, expanding your reach, and achieving your business goals.

Not only has blogging been great for me, but it’s kept me motivated to get to my computer every day and complete my first task. It gives me a sense of accomplishment in doing this daily. It has helped me be more focused and utilize my time effectively. 

I get right to blogging in the morning, check emails, then get to editing. It’s become a great workflow enhancer. Also, by blogging daily, I know I did that one great thing for my business every single day and it is helping to improve my SEO and to become a better writer and storyteller. It’s also helped in giving me a confidence boost. I am giving myself the liberty to write about anything I want. I’m putting myself out there to the universe and it is kind of liberating! Blogging has helped me become more comfortable with vulnerability and authenticity in my writing and it has definitely helped in  gaining a deeper appreciation for the entire creative process.

So, dear awesome (do they even use this word anymore?) reader, as I continue on with this daily blogging odyssey, I invite you to join me on this adventure of discovery, connection, and creativity. Whether you're a fellow photographer, a curious soul, or simply a lover of stories, know that you're always welcome here, where pixels meet passion and snapshots tell stories. Together, let's capture the magic of life, one blog post at a time.

Happy Shooting… I mean blogging… my friends! 


Shooting Star Photography