Keep Taking Photographs Of Your Kids... You'll be a pro or semi-pro... in no time!

learning photography, south jersey photographer, portrait photographer, south jersey, delaware photographer, family photography,

My baby, Gigi!

learning photography, south jersey photographer, portrait photographer, south jersey, delaware photographer, family photography,

Eat that hat! Yum yum yum yum.

learning photography, south jersey photographer, portrait photographer, south jersey, delaware photographer, family photography,

My son in the pumpkin patch at our home.

There is nothing more freer than taking photos of your own children!  I paid over $150 just for photos, no print release... Nada... for when my daughter was born.  Btw, the photographer for my son never came around at the hospital like they were suppose to... And that saddens me. His whole large 11 pounds and all!

Yup, he was that big when he was born. I adore being able to take photographs of my kids professionally.  I use them for many subjects and practice, but it's also very cool that I can take quality level photographs of all my kid's milestones.  I truly feel free in that sense. I know I would have racked up thousands of dollars in photos thus far, if I did not do my studying when it pertained to taking photos of my kids. I always loved photography, even from when I was a little girl.

My mind works in mysterious ways with textures, lighting and just how I see this world.  In fact, my very popular sister blog to this site... Well, I show South Jersey, how I see it...Its beauty and all.  I've been so lucky in this endeavor because I know all the best shooting locations from Burlington County to Cape May County!

I'm a bit nuts when it comes to photos. I like high quality.  I have invested in a ton of equipment in such a short time frame because of it, but now I feel like it is paying off.  I see the work for when I first started and then I see now and it has only been a few months.  I see a huge improvement. It's just in my nature to be the biggest and best. I aim to be in the top my field in regards to photography one day.  It is just me and how I'm wired.

I learn a little more everyday and in hopes to improve. Anywho, I'm getting off subject!  I'm telling you moms and dads out there to try and make the effort of learning photography and taking better photographs of your kids. Learn how to shoot in manual mode (you will thank me). Read your camera manual over and over again until it sticks in that noggin of yours! Trust me, you do not need a fancy camera! That is all bull in this industry. 

It is seriously the person who is behind it! I have a drive to learn and I always have.  I'm so happy to capture the milestones of childhood with my kids in a professional way. I urge folks out there to put down their camera phones and pick up a semi-decent camera to capture these moments!  You don't need to spend a lot of money, you just have to have a desire to learn.

Happy Shooting, my friends! -Dee


Black and White Photographs Of ALL My Families From 2014!


This South Jersey Gal Loves Working With People!