Shooting Star Photography LLC

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My First Maternity Shoot In South Jersey!

Pregnancy is a crazy time! Many new and exciting things lie ahead!

I love road shots!

Happy for her new arrival! She looks gorgeous!

Stunning at the Westville Wheelabrator site!

Mom is glowing!

I love getting these candid shots!

A little haze an artistic flair was used here!

Another artistic shot!

Mom and daddy to be!

Gorgeous couple celebrating their soon to be new arrival!

Beautiful mama!

And then they kissed!

Can you take a guess at what they are having?

On a picturesque day in the heart of New Jersey, Shooting Star Photography LLC embarked on a captivating photo shoot at the Westville Wheelabrator Reserve. Nestled amidst the serene beauty of nature, this location was the epitome of rustic charm. As the sun's soft rays filtered through the vibrant foliage, our team eagerly set up our equipment to capture the essence of this hidden gem. The reserve's lush greenery, winding trails, and tranquil ponds provided the perfect backdrop for our subjects. We effortlessly framed shots that blended the grandeur of the Reserve with the subtle grace of our models, creating striking compositions. With every click of the shutter, we immortalized the raw beauty that Westville Wheelabrator Reserve had to offer, leaving us enchanted by the magic we had created.

Welcome to Westville, here in South Jersey!

Ladies and Gentlemen this is my one of my most favorite places in the entire world! It is one of my favorite spots because1.  Not too many folks know about it... You'll never see many folks here.

2.  Butterflies, butterflies... butterflies.. thousands of them... oh my! In the spring and summer it is SWARMING with monarch butterflies. It's like right out of a movie. I have traveled all over South Jersey and have never seen anything like it.  There is also a native butterfly garden here, but I can't imagine that's all that is drawing them in!

3.  Great hiking trails to watch wildlife

4.  On historic grounds, once the home to George Washington while his house was being built in Philadelphia and then the world's greatest pleasure resort resided on these premises.  Unfortunately, nothing remains today, but is still really cool.

5.  Different "boardwalks" that hover over various scenery throughout the area.

6.  A large dirt road to wander on.

7.  A really nice beach right on the Delaware River.  It is clean and a nice private area to watch the ships coming and going.I figured this would be a perfect place for a shoot and it was! I'm so glad I got to have my first maternity shoot here as it is truly a very special place to me!

There's nothing more beautiful than a mother when she is expecting her first child!  There are fears and joys throughout the entire pregnancy journey. Very high ups and some lows as what life is about.It's true what they say your life will never be the same... There's 100% truth to that. Sometimes, days are just wretched and you want to pull your hair out or jump off a bridge, but on other days, you see what life is about, by looking at your very own, that you were able to produce and bring into this world.

It's an indescribable feeling.As a mother myself, I can't imagine my life without my children in it.  They make this world a joy to wake up to every single day.So... This lovely couple braved the elements in this very cold South Jersey winter.  Mom-to-be was 7 1/2 months along and another challenge to boot... We photographed in midday sun.

This was a total joy to shoot, as this was my first maternity session.  We headed out to one of my hundreds of scouted locations, the Westville Wheelabrator Wildlife Management Area.I've always been very fond of it  in regards to its intriguing history.  It was known as "Fancy Hill" pre-revolutionary days and owned by the notorious Howell family in South Jersey.George Washington stayed here as his home was being built in Philadelphia after the first election of the United States of America. He became our first president.

It then became an amusement park in the late 1800s to early 1900s and was called, Washington Amusement Park. This area was known as the largest pleasure resort in the world in its time and also heralding the largest Ferris wheel in the world, in its day.Basically, the area is beautiful for any shoot.  It has meadows, old dirt roads, a ton of woods and trails and a beautiful pebble beach along the Delaware River.

In any sense, a perfect location for a photo shoot.It was 1pm sun, which means a big "challenge" in the photography field.  However, it takes a pro to overcome all obstacles and that we did!We had a great time and I was very happy to do this session for two amazing folks!  I can't wait to utilize one of those beautiful maternity gowns for a future shoot. However, for my first maternity shoot, I  I did a decent job.  I can't wait for the next one!  I have so many new ideas to share!

Happy Shooting, my friends!
