Cheap Camera Challenge!

Photography Challenge: Cheap Camera, Cheap Lenses

Recently, I decided to push the limits of my professional photography skills by taking on a challenge - using a cheap camera and cheap lenses to capture captivating images. Despite the perceived limitations, I embarked on this creative experiment with an open mind and a determination to defy expectations.
The challenge sparked a renewed sense of creativity as I embraced the constraints and sought innovative ways to extract remarkable shots from seemingly limited equipment. It required a deeper understanding of composition, lighting, and post-processing techniques to compensate for the equipment's inherent shortcomings.

The results of this experiment exceeded my expectations, producing images that showcased the essence of storytelling and visual appeal. Despite the unconventional approach, the photographs captured raw emotions, vivid landscapes, and authentic moments, emphasizing the power of vision and skill over the gear's cost.

I invite you to browse through the striking images from this unconventional expedition, a testimony to the notion that creativity knows no bounds and that exceptional photography lies within the photographer, not just the equipment.
Cheers to the art of creating magic with humble tools!

As photographers, we are questioned on a repeated basis.  We get questions like... What kind of camera do you have? And comments like... Your camera takes nice pictures...  However, deep down inside we really want to laugh, of course without coming off as rude to our customer, right?  We know darn well... that's about the study of photography.  It's measuring light and exposing for light and knowing how to work in any lighting conditions. Because of all this, I decided to do a challenge and put myself to work! Hehe!

photographers in south jersey, photographer, nj, jersey shore, south jersey,

Photographed this little girl at the alley around my house in Woodstown. Love the side eye and Po’d looks he is giving me.

She’s all smiles and i really like her skin tone here!

photographers in south jersey, photographer, nj, jersey shore, south jersey,

My kiddos with grandpa camping.

The Results of the Cheap Camera Challenge.

I recently dusted off my old crop censor APC Sony A6000 and put it to work up against my full frame camera that cost over $2,000.I decided to level the playing field, by using the same subject and utilizing the same lens. The lens that was used was a Rokinon  135mm not the most expensive lens out there. Another indicator that it is the photographer not the equipment. So if you had to guess... which one do you think was taken with the cheaper camera? The first photo or the second photo?Also, let's level the playing field in this... Do you see this black and white photo? This was taken with a $40 lens.  Yup, $40. My point with this challenge was to prove that sometimes you don't need fancy equipment to get the results you want!  It really is knowing your settings at how to work your equipment that makes a photographer... not your equipment.  

So if you are out there using a cheapo camera and making it work... don't get dissuaded!  You got this!I'm a firm believer in utilizing the tools you have and all about education!  Learning the basics will get you far, no matter what type of equipment you utilize!

Oh and the answer of which photo was taken with the more expensive camera?  It would be the more golden toned photo of my little girl sitting by our stream! Now, could you really tell that? Probably not.  As you can see, the crop camera gives similar results and is 1/4 the cost of the "pro" camera.  Funny how you can get similar results with a cheaper camera, eh?!I'm telling you, it's the photographer, not the camera that will determine the results! Here is proof in the pudding! Thanks for playing along with the cheap camera challenge! 

Happy Shooting South Jersey!



Fall is Here, South Jersey!


Our photography Anniversary! Coming up on a year since started portfolio building!