2020 Private Mentorship

I am so very excited to be offering this! I have been asked repeatedly if I mentor and I could never devote my undivided time. Customers have always come first. I have been sold out every year consecutively, since 2016 and it is time to take a break! This is something I have always wanted to devote myself to 100% and to help others learn. Now, I will have the time to give my all to YOU.

south jersey photography, new jersey photographer, family photographers in south jersey, resources for photographers.

I want everyone in this industry to succeed. I won't hold back on anything.

I am offering a private mentorship of up to 1.5 hours in 2020. With only 4 private mentoring offers.

This 1.5 hours can be anything you want and at your discretion. We will hop on a skype call. We can cover your portfolio/website and I can provide honest feedback. Help with marketing, mini sessions, or editing.

I can either edit a photo of yours to show you how I would edit it, or I can edit one of mine.

Please note, we cannot cover it all, so I will ask that you choose one of the above and we can go from there. I want to get to know you and your business and I want to help push you to that next level.

I will also have a lifetime private facebook group for all mentees.

My goal is to help you walk away with a little more knowledge and to give you that extra kick in the rear!

Join me for a fun adventure in 2020!



Merry Christmas and New Year!


Lover of all things- bad ass!