Time to Unwind: A Photographer's Journey After Burnout

Time to Unwind!

As a photographer, it's easy to become consumed by the demands of the craft. Endless shoots, editing marathons, and the pressure to constantly deliver exceptional work can lead to burnout. However, recognizing the signs and taking steps to unwind and recharge is crucial for maintaining a sustainable career in photography.

After experiencing burnout, it's important to prioritize self-care. Taking a step back from work and allowing yourself to unwind is essential. For me, this meant putting down my camera and immersing myself in other hobbies and activities that I enjoy but had neglected. Whether it's hiking, reading, or simply spending time with loved ones, these activities provided the mental and emotional break that I needed.
Returning to the basics of photography also played a crucial role in my recovery. Instead of focusing on complex shoots and intricate editing, I spent time photographing simple, everyday scenes that inspired me. This stripped away the pressure to produce perfection and allowed me to reconnect with the joy of photography.

Moreover, seeking inspiration from other artists and photographers helped reignite my creative spark. Visiting galleries, attending workshops, and engaging with the work of fellow photographers offered new perspectives and infused fresh energy into my approach to photography.

Incorporating mindfulness and meditation into my daily routine was another vital aspect of unwinding after burnout. Taking the time to center myself and focus on the present moment, instead of constantly worrying about future projects or past mishaps, allowed me to regain a sense of balance and clarity.
Finally, establishing boundaries and learning to say no became essential to preventing future burnout. Setting realistic expectations for work and prioritizing my well-being enabled me to approach photography with renewed passion and purpose.

In the end, the journey to unwind after burnout isn't just about taking a temporary break. It's about redefining my relationship with photography, embracing a healthier mindset, and finding sustainable ways to pursue my passion.

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South Jersey in the fall

When You Feel Like You Are Burning Out

I have been working my tail off this year! I've barely had any weekends off and even working during the week days.  Don't get me wrong, I love it!I love working with the people of South Jersey. I truly do! After going straight these last few months, it's official Shooting Star Photography is on vacation, woo hoo!  These last few weeks, I have been doing a lot of cake smashes and need to get them up on here to show you!

I purchased another gown for my maternity sessions and have a few of them upcoming!I am taking this vacation time off to spend much needed time with the family and the kids at the Jersey shore! There's nothing more beautiful this time of year, than being at the beach off season!    Most places are still open.  The weather is amazing!  It's going to be in the 80's and sunny all week!  

The ocean is still warm! Gah!  You truly can't get any better than that! I need this time to relax and unwind because when I get back, I'm going hardcore into sessions! I believe I have only 2 days off in October next month! I'm actually looking forward to it!  I have two workshops that I will be attending this fall too and am probably signing up for a third! I'm ready to rock this photography thing into 2016! 

We will have one Christmas themed session at a tree farm too!  Can you feel my excitement?! I'm going off-grid for a week and see you soon!  I'll be coming back and taking South Jersey by storm!

Happy Shooting, my friends!



Book Your Fall Session | Haddonfield NJ


The Shooting Star Grounds in Woodstown, NJ!