south jersey photographers, philadelphia photographers, shooting star photography, new jersey photographer, best cherry hill nj photographer, sewell nj photographer, blackwood nj photographer, hammonton nj photographer

A collage of my kids and I. Through the last few years! My children are my muses.

It’s my birthday today. Blessed for everything. Blessed for my clients, my life and my children. However, today, I’m realizing that I don’t have enough family photos. I have my children captured every few months, but am lacking on myself getting in front of the camera with them. You know why? I am just as self conscious as most of my clients are. 

south jersey photographers, philadelphia photographers, shooting star photography, new jersey photographer, best cherry hill nj photographer, sewell nj photographer, blackwood nj photographer, hammonton nj photographer

The only professional photo that I like of myself. We photographers don’t get much time in front of the camera.

South Jersey Photographer. Only pro image I have of myself. The shame!

I am always wanting to drop those last few pounds or don’t feel pretty enough.  A great photographer will make those insecurities go away and feel beautiful. A great photography silk kid how to highlight your greatest features had and to also make you feel like the absolute most beautiful thing in the world. 

my kiddos in a collage. From the past year.

Our family sessions are our specialty. In fact, most of the sessions we do and service in the South Jersey and Philadelphia region are family sessions. Family sessions are very important to capture. Our children grow so quickly and it’s truly important to capture these fleeting moments with our children. 

south jersey photographers, philadelphia photographers, shooting star photography, new jersey photographer, best cherry hill nj photographer, sewell nj photographer, blackwood nj photographer, hammonton nj photographer

My kids a few years ago with me!

Only professional photo I have of my children.

I know sometimes we don’t feel skinny or the best in shape, at the moment, but I am telling you, our kids don’t care. They want photographs to look back on with their families. There is nothing better than seeing yourself, with your family, hung up high in your home. Studies have actually shown that it boosts self esteem in our children. It helps children grow strong and gives them a boost of confidence. 

south jersey photographers, philadelphia photographers, shooting star photography, new jersey photographer, best cherry hill nj photographer, sewell nj photographer, blackwood nj photographer, hammonton nj photographer

My significant other and kiddos in tulips.

The studies through the years have shown that it boosts self-confidence in your children. Allowing them to actually visualize and see themselves, help them with a stronger presence and strength.  Let’s face it, a family photo, tells a story. It honors the memories cherished together. This is why it is important to capture and to hang these art pieces up high!

Get in front of the camera!!! Your kids will appreciate it. It is important. You will start to see more posted here, of me just doing that. You need to practice what you preach, right?

Have a magical day, my friends!


Shooting Star Photography

South Jersey and Philadelphia photographers


A Blog A Day Challenge.


Lovely Lavender Photography Series in New Jersey