Don't Give Up Photography

Fuel Your Passion: Don't Give Up on Photography!

Hey there, aspiring photographer! I know that the journey through the world of photography can sometimes feel like an uphill battle, with numerous challenges and roadblocks along the way. But don't let those setbacks dull your shine or dim your passion!

You have a unique perspective: Photography is an art form that allows you to capture the essence of a moment in time, enabling you to express your creativity and vision in ways that words cannot. Remember, your perspective is one-of-a-kind! Don't let self-doubt overshadow your ability to share your view of the world with others.

Embrace failure as a stepping stone: It's no secret that success often walks hand in hand with failure. Every great photographer has encountered countless mistakes and disappointments, only to come out stronger on the other side. Embrace those failures as valuable learning opportunities and stepping stones towards your growth and development as an artist.

Celebrate your progress: Take a moment to reflect on how far you've come. Photography is a journey, a continuous process of improvement. Think back to those early days when your photographs were still a work in progress. Celebrate your progress and acknowledge the skills you've acquired along the way. Remember, every great photographer started somewhere.

Seek inspiration and learn continuously: Photography is a craft that constantly evolves. Stay curious and hungry for knowledge. Seek inspiration from prominent photographers, explore different genres, experiment with new techniques, and never stop learning. The world is your classroom, and every photo you take is an opportunity to refine your skills.

Embrace patience: Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither will your photography career. Success rarely comes overnight, and it requires patience and perseverance. Keep practicing, keep learning, and keep pushing yourself even when things get tough. Trust the process, because your dedication and hard work will pay off.

Surround yourself with a supportive community: Photography can be a solitary pursuit at times, but having a supportive community of fellow photographers can make all the difference. Engage with like-minded individuals, join photography clubs or online communities, and seek constructive feedback. Remember, iron sharpens iron, and surrounding yourself with passionate individuals will push you towards excellence.

Capture moments that matter: Lastly, don't forget the power that photography holds. Your photographs can freeze a moment in time, evoke emotions, and tell meaningful stories. Whether you're capturing an incredible sunset, a candid moment shared between loved ones, or the extraordinary beauty in the most ordinary things, your work has the potential to touch hearts and inspire others.
So, don't give up on photography! Fuel your passion, embrace the challenges, and keep capturing the world through your unique lens. Remember, the beauty of photography lies not just in the final image, but in the journey itself. Keep chasing your dreams, and let your love for this art form drive you towards greatness!

You've got this! Now go out there and show the world what you're capable of!
P.S. Remember to always respect copyright laws and obtain necessary permissions when sharing or publishing your work.

cinderella, fonthill, fonthill castle, engagement photo shoot, ideas, south jersey photographer,

A Cinderella… fairytale ending taken at Fonthill Castle in Doylestown, PA.

raggedy ann, halloween, south jersey photographer, new jersey photographer,philadelphia photographer,

Raggedy Ann baby. Take on my Woodstown, NJ property. I really don’t know what I was thinking here.

I write this blog for mainly other photographers (but I do write for clients from time to time) and I like to share  my insight sometimes into this crazy field... So here it goes because I know a lot of others go through, or are currently going through, what I'm about to write below.There's a time when a lot of photographers are faced with a difficult decision... and it's no matter if you have been in this industry for 20 years, or are a freshy (as photographers like to call, new photographers).  Guess what? I'm a freshy and quite proud of that fact!  I haven't even been in business for a year. It's only been 6 months since I became a legal business..

 With photography, You are will eventually want to give up. Throw in that fluffy soft towel. Kick the curb...These are the particulars of emotions and thoughts that you may go through at any given moment...You will want to sell all your gear.

You will want to give up because you aren't booking enough sessions or any sessions.You will want to give up because you are facing frustration, whether it be you seeing others out there that are making a successful career out of this and they are putting out some incredible work (you have to admit, there is a TON of talent out there)... And you will feel deflated because of this.Jealousy.  Yup, you will at the receiving and other end at some point... it is a given!Inadequacy.You can't find "your style" or are having trouble "finding it."Not good enough.Your gear isn't good enough. You don't have enough props. You don't have a studio

.You hate editing because it takes up virtually your entire life.You're new and don't have the education.

You have trouble editing something, or see things in your head in how you want your image to look like  and it's just not coming out the way you want it to... not even close.You may even have a bad customer experience and it just left a bad taste in your mouth and you never want to be in that particular type of situation ever again....  because it was a nightmare.Whatever the reason is for you giving up... Don't.  Don't do it.When you do this, you allow others to win, to see you fail, to be laughed at, and by giving up it destroys your passion and your soul. I find photography to be that for me.. my passion and my soul.I'm learning some things along my journey and yes, at times I have wanted to give up. Just the other day, I felt that I lost my passion. That it was starting to feel like a chore. Not something of my soul, as it has been this entire journey from the start... I felt my soul was being eaten alive or chipped away at the jagged surface.

I've been taking  on too many jobs and it has taken me away from spending valuable time with my husband and two young and beautiful children.Hang on here.. I am getting somewhere with all of this..Everyone has been where you are at this particular moment. Every photographer, has wanted to give up at some point in their career.. and they are lying if they haven't.

The one key advice you need to do (if you start to feel this way.)Make friends with other photographers. I think the most valuable asset I have had in this business are my cohorts. Yup, other photographers. I have many photographer friends that have gone, or will be going through the same trials and tribulations... ups and downs as we all will eventually go through.  They are my mentors. They are my true guiding light.  My true supporters of my craft and have been my light at the end of this crazy tunnel. Through all this... And guess what?  That friendship is mutual.  I am also here for them. I have made some really wonderful and life-lasting friendships in this business with photographers of all levels and I honestly believe I'd have given in the towel if I did not have them in my life.

Where to find these friend photographers? Anywhere. Honestly. Look to someone you admire in your area. I know some photographers have egos the size of Texas, but honestly about 95% don't.  Reach out! Join a local club!  That's always a great place to meet folks!  I bet you has a ton of groups in your area too. There are also local PPA chapters usually by state!  

Yup, I am a member of PPA... and will be joining my local chapter soon.What has actually worked for my personal experience is facebook groups. Yup, good ol' facebook.  I've gotten to meet local folks and folks from all over the country and world... and I've even gotten to meet some of these folks in person and some I will be meeting soon!  They are my rock!So... I told you that I wanted to give up the other day because I felt overwhelmed and was extremely exhausted and taking too much on... I talked to my husband and he obviously thought I was nuts because he knows I love photography with my life and that he said it would be talent wasted, but I was actually serious.  Well, I went with this to my friends.  They gave me that good kick in the rear that I really needed!

 My hiney has been hurting ever since! Ouchie Wowie!  But honestly that's what friends are for.  And I wouldn't want it anyway!Now, my passion has been sparked, yet again.. and it has been all because of them! I have my well-thought out plan and vision for what's ahead and what I can do here, in the present!  Woo hoo! Now, bring it on! I'm ready for it! For now... but will know I'll once again need that nice kick in the future... Don't we all?

Happy Shooting, my friends!



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