Beach Sessions and Being Successful in this Photography Business
Beach photography is sooooo hard to master. Often times, many photographers struggle getting it right. There are a ton of elements that go into it. From the sun to the wind, to the sand an water. There is a lot of elements at play to get it right. This is why I have done beach photography justice.
Soooo what is really stopping you from trying? Or going out and doing it... ?
You’ll find yourself in situations and ask yourself, “How did I get here? How am I going to pull this off?”
But your confidence will grow.
You just need to walk past the emotional wall — the electrical fence — which paralyzes and imprisons 99% of people.
Because people remain imprisoned, they doubt themselves. They develop a victim mentality.
Their confidence crumbles.

Rather than building the life they want, the settle for the life they have.
Rather than living in an environment created by them, they live in an environment created for them.
If you want something different, you need to act different. It doesn’t matter how you feel in the moment.
If that life is different than what you have now, you can expect it will feel terrible. You haven’t yet adapted to your new life.

What do you expect?
Change is always an uncomfortable transition — until you develop a tolerance for change, uncertainty, and even fear.
Are you willing to go there?
How big is the emotional roller-coaster of life you’re going to ride? Small rises and dips? Or huge rises, drops, spins, and twists? Life is meant to be lived, emotions are meant to be felt and experienced. You get to design the roller-coaster.
Do you want the result bad enough that you’re willing to feel absurd, horrible, amazing, ridiculous, and stupid to get there?

Or, would you prefer feeling safe and regretful?
The choice is yours. But everything you want is available. And the more extreme the emotional shock you’re willing to walk through, the faster you’ll get the results you’re seeking.
No matter how “successful” you become, trusting yourself never gets easier. In fact, it only gets harder with more external noise and pressure. But you will never be happy with yourself or satisfied with your work if you don’t do what you truly felt inspired to do.
Your most honest work will always be your best work. More than likely, it will also be your most successful work. Sooooo... get on out there and make it happen. The worst you can do is try. It's the only way to succeed in this business.
Happy Shooting, my friends and until next time!