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Another Easter Mini Photography Studio!
Behind the Scenes with Shooting Star's Post Processing!

Behind the Scenes with Shooting Star's Post Processing!

Before and After Post Processing Editing.

The secret is out of the bag South Jersey! Photographers aren't just great behind the camera these days, they are often magical wizards when it comes to the post-processing department (meaning editing your photographs)! I'm spilling a little beans at what goes on in my editing process.I am a firm believer in getting my photographs correct in camera. In fact, that's what I always strive for.

I never want to have to later rely on Lightroom or Photoshop to "fix" my issues or problems. I go into every shoot with direction. I know how I want things to go, what poses we'll be doing, and if using props, utilizing them to their full potential (I'm not the biggest fan of props, fyi.)I am not bossy, but I know how to give great direction and how to pose people to show them in their best light. I think some new photographers don't know how to take charge of the situation at times and that can be a new and difficult learning process, especially how to photograph toddlers. They can often-times be the most difficult.

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It's a Dog EAT Dog... Photography World

It's a Dog EAT Dog... Photography World

Breaking Into The Tough Business Of Photography

This is going out to any new photographer out there. The photography world is a dog eat dog, competitive field my friends. They will literally eat you up and spit you out alive and then double that! For anyone just getting into it, it's a whirlwind of information and a bizarre Alice In Wonderland experience.

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